A Little Lost - puzzle game
Goodgames Studios - 2015/2016 Hamburg, Germany
My first experience in game started with this cute and fun puzzle game! I was responsible to animate the little 3D creatures that help you during the game...it has been a challange to find a way to keep this high quality of animations for this type of game, where you have technical limitations (limited bones, characters interaction with the gameplay, animations in place...) but looking at the result...I can say we have done a great job! :)
We was braved, we wanted to keep a quality comparable to a Tv series animation, and...we won! ;)
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MIA&ME - Season 2
Rainbow CGI - 2014 Rome, Italy
Between elves and unicorns! :)
2D3D Animations - 2013 Angouleme, France
WINX CLUB - Season 5
Goodgames Studios - 2015/2016 Hamburg, Germany
My first experience in game started with this cute and fun puzzle game! I was responsible to animate the little 3D creatures that help you during the game...it has been a challange to find a way to keep this high quality of animations for this type of game, where you have technical limitations (limited bones, characters interaction with the gameplay, animations in place...) but looking at the result...I can say we have done a great job! :)
We was braved, we wanted to keep a quality comparable to a Tv series animation, and...we won! ;)
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MIA&ME - Season 2
Rainbow CGI - 2014 Rome, Italy
Between elves and unicorns! :)
I came back to Italy after the French experience and I worked for several months on the second season of this successful tv series, a Germany / Italy coproduction.
I took care of the layouts, and I also animated the transformation of the protagonist.
I took care of the layouts, and I also animated the transformation of the protagonist.
2D3D Animations - 2013 Angouleme, France
Moved to France for a year, and precisely at Angouleme in the region of the Charante, I worked for the studio "2D3D Animation", on the most challenging (but really funny) series in my career, the 3D tv series "Foot De Rue Extreme" (produced by Télé Images Productions).
I won the challenge with "action shots", also a girl can animate people who play football and do a lot of other crazy acrobatic stuff! (Yeah, 'cause I was the only girl in the team^^)
Lavorando in Francia
Trasferita in Francia per un anno, e più precisamente ad Angouleme nella regione dello Charante, ho lavorato per lo studio "2D3D Animation", ad una delle serie più impegnative (ma decisamente divertenti) che mi siano mai capitate, la serie tv in 3D "Foot De Rue Extreme" (prodotta da Télé Images Productions).
Ho vinto la mia sfida personale con le "scene di azione", anche una ragazza può animare gente che gioca a calcio e fa altre mille cose acrobatiche! (Si, perchè io ero l'unica ragazza del team^^)
Here's the fantastic ANIMATION TEAM I had the honor and the pleasure to work with, here in Angouleme.
Ecco il fantastico TEAM DI ANIMAZIONE con cui ho avuto l'onore e il piacere di lavorare, qui ad Angouleme.WINX CLUB - Season 5
Rainbow CGI - 2012 Rome, Italy
The magic of the Winx^^
One of the most funny projects I participated! Yes...the Winx :)
The Winx are a well-known successful product and, in the fifth seacon, it was introduced the computer graphics, that we animated!
In addition to the episodes, I had the pleasure and honor to animate part of the transformation SIrenix (in my opinion, the most beautiful transformation in the history of winx transformations ^ ^) I made part of the transformation of Stella and Tecna. POWER OF TECHNOLOGY!! :P
Uno dei progetti più divertenti a cui ho partecipato! Ebbene si, proprio le Winx :)
Le Winx sono un notissimo prodotto di successo da anni e nella quinta stagione è stata introdotta la parte in computer grafica, che noi abbiamo animato!
Oltre agli episodi, ho avuto il piacere e l'onore di animare parte della trasformazione SIrenix (a mio neutralissimo parere, la trasformazione più bella nella storia delle trasformazioni WInx^^) nello specifico mi sono occupata dell'animazione di parte delle trasformazioni di Stella e Tecna. POTERE DELLA TECNOLOGIA!! :P
I uploaded a reel with all my animations for Winx Club - Season 5!
A questo link potete vedere tutte le mia animazioni di Winx Club - Season 5!
You can see it at this vimeo link:
Rainbow CGI - 2010/2012 Rome, Italy
Rainbow CGI - 2010/2012 Rome, Italy
Un colossal italiano nell'antica Roma
3D ANIMATION FEATURE FILM directed by Iginio Straffi (with the voice of Belen Rodriguez, Luca Argentero and Laura Chiatti) realized in the Animation Studio Rainbow CGI in Rome.
I worked on this project for 3 years! :) First as a Layout Artist and later as Character Animator.
Ho lavorato a questo progetto per 3 anni! :) Prima come Layout Artist e successivamente come Animatrice.
Iginio Straffi (director) with the voice actors Belen Rodriguez e Luca Argentero
Belen Rodriguez - voice of Diana
Laura Chiatti - voice of Lucilla
Luca Argentero - voice of Timo
Toposodo - 2008/2009 Pisa, Italy
Toposodo - 2008/2009 Pisa, Italy
Full in love with Meloditties
I love this TV series! I participated to the first and the second season, Taratabong - The world of Meloditties.
Even this TV series was made in the studio Toposodo, in Pisa.
LittleGossip: during the production of the second season I knew the best partner that I could meet (at work as in private life ^ ^)
Innamorata dei Musicilli
Amo questa serie tv a cui ho partecipato alla prima e alla seconda stagione, Taratabong - Il mondo dei musicilli.
Anche questa serie tv è stata realizzata presso lo studio di Pisa Toposodo
Pettegolezzo: è stato durante la produzione della seconda stagione che ho conosciuto il miglior partner che potessi incontrare (sia sul lavoro che nella vita privata^^)
Toposodo - 2007 Pisa, Italy
Toposodo - 2007 Pisa, Italy
We never forget the first series :)
Here's my first job as animator in the (so far) 2007, when I didn't know that the blood of animator flowed into me. Thanks to this experience and the people in the studio that believed in me, I discovered my "talent".
The series is called Bird's Band and was realized in the animation studio of Pisa, Toposodo.
La prima serie non si scorda mai :)
Ecco qua il mio primo ingaggio da animatrice, nel (lontano) 2007, quando ancora non sapevo che il sangue d'animatrice scorresse dentro di me. Grazie a questa esperienza e alle persone dello studio che hanno creduto in me, ho scoperto questo mio "talento".
La serie in questione si chiama La Banda Volante ed è stata realizzata presso lo studio di animazione di Pisa, Toposodo.
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